days ago
East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024
East Sarajevo Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina
# Nation 1st 2nd 3rd 5th 7th
1 Germany 2 1 3 2 1
ISCHT Sarah 1st place
Women -48 kg
SCHMID Lea 1st place
Women -78 kg
VON LEUPOLDT Charlotte 2nd place
Women -63 kg
GOEBEL Laila 3rd place
Women -57 kg
SEDLMAIR Hanna 3rd place
Women -63 kg
BECKER Celine 3rd place
Women -70 kg
STAKHOV Nicole 5th place
Women -52 kg
WIRTH Mirjam 5th place
Women -63 kg
MUENCH Jadzia 7th place
Women -57 kg
2 Poland 2 1 2 1 1
3 Hungary 2 - - 3 1
4 Croatia 1 1 - 2 1
5 Italy - 1 3 1 -
6 Austria - 1 1 - -
6 Great Britain - 1 1 - -
6 Serbia - 1 1 - -
9 Bosnia and Herzegovina - - 1 1 5
10 Individual Neutral Athletes - - 1 - -
10 Netherlands - - 1 - -
12 Belgium - - - 3 -
13 Montenegro - - - - 1
14 Slovenia - - - - -