days ago
East Sarajevo Pale Senior European Cup 2024
East Sarajevo Pale, Bosnia and Herzegovina
# Athlete Nation Category WRL Result Contests
1 KELLER Rebeka  Hungary Female -52 kg 91 5 3
2 KUTYLA Oliwia  Poland Female -52 kg 121 3 3
3 STAKHOV Nicole  Germany Female -52 kg 121 5 3
4 CIESLIK Klaudia  Poland Female -52 kg 139 1 4
5 BARBER Caitlin  Great Britain Female -52 kg 144 2 3
6 BOBROWSKA Sian  Great Britain Female -52 kg 171 3 4
7 DURIC Jovana  Bosnia and Herzegovina Female -52 kg - 7 2
8 KARIC Lejla  Bosnia and Herzegovina Female -52 kg - 7 2
9 NERI Jana  Belgium Female -52 kg - 2